Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) have finally taken the spotlight they deserve! Companies are more aware than ever that equity employment brings multiple benefits to their organizations and they are seeking ways to promote an inclusive workforce.
However, even though DEI are now front and center, an additional hurdle companies need to overcome while recruiting is something called unconscious bias. Unconscious bias can be understood as the collective subjective attitudes, stereotypes and prejudices we have in favour or against something or someone, and this is particularly critical when trying to hire for diversity. If companies succumb to judging candidates based on their interests, looks, accents, or other non-important elements of performance, they are likely to stick with a culture that lacks the depth they so desire.
But being “unaware that you are unaware” of your biases is very challenging. Fortunately, technology is here to help! There is some tech available now and there are some projects in the roaster, so here are three tech things to either apply now or watch out for in the future when hiring for diversity:
Leverage your own technology
Use artificial intelligence
Look out for robots!
To learn more, watch our video on Tech and Unconscious Bias:
#HTechTrends #UnconsciousBias